I chose the comic in What Matters In America, on Page 172 under Visual Connections; It's a Scary World . It is from the"Zits" comic strip by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman. The first scene in the strip shows Jeremy's parents in bed, but not tired. They decide to turn on a little TV and watch the news. In the next scene the stories begin, all bad news! The next two scenes continue until they've heard about Drugs, AIDS, teenage alcoholism, gangs, murder, traffic fatalities, on and on and they are practically hiding under the sheets! The final scene depicts Jeremy's parents in his room, on his bed, with Jeremy on their laps. Jeremy says "This better have a really good explanation, ore be a reeeeally bad dream".
I wish I could find this comic online. It was a humorous way to portray how the news that streams from the "tube" into our minds can create all kinds of negative thinking and paranoia. It also takes a swing at the fact that much of the "news" that we watch on television is generally bad news.
This next cartoon, "FREEDOM of DEPRESS"! (love it!) I initially found searching Google. It came from the website www.tvneweslies.org.
It is basically sharing the same message as Zit's comicstrip as to what we can be sure to see and hear when we turn on the news. Yikes!
This one picture is showing a person being scared right out of their "easy chair" while watching a TV news program. The anchor of the news program is a big scary mouth shouting out all of the horrid things that are going on in the world. And based on the caption of this comic, you are free to be depressed before it's over.
This is exactly why I don't watch the news!